Friday, September 30, 2011

Teaching 21st Century Skills

I always find myself caught in a tough spot with teaching Kindergarten students about technology.  Technology is used in my classroom constantly.  My school is one of the lucky ones!  Each classroom in my school is equipped with an ELMO, a document camera, which we use in place of an overhead projector.  My ELMO is attached to the projector on my Smartboard allowing me to do demonstrations of what is expected of my young students.  At 5 and 6 years old many of them are visual learners so this has been a valuable resource.  Also, my tablet PC is attached to my projector.  Having this attached allows me to show students where they need to go on the computer and how to use the programs.  These tools allow me to use a lot of technology during my teaching.  Last year was my first year in this building so I am really beginning to figure out ways that my students can also use this technology.  My smartboard was just installed at the beginning of this month so I am waiting on the software to arrive so that I can get trained. 
My goal this school year is to give my students the foundation that they will need to be successful in learning the technology based 21st century skills.  I do feel that I am a fairly successful teacher of the 21st century learning skills and problem solving skills.  I feel like teaching these skills come second nature to me as a teacher of Kindergarten.  My students come to me at so many different levels I have no choice but to cater to all of their needs.  This year is sure to be a exciting year and I look forward to learning how to use my Smartboard and also teaching my students.

Friday, September 23, 2011

The beginning...

I am starting an adventure in technology integration!  My goal as a teacher in this technology focused world is to build a foundation for my Kindergarten students on how technology works.  I want to help them develop skills that will not only help them be successful throughout the rest of elementary school but also bring them success in the “real world”.  It is always a struggle for me to find a balance of programs and expectations that are appropriate for my young students.  Although many of these students have experience with video games and other media focused technologies they often lack experience with technologies that are used in schools.  I begin each school year with the hopes that I am going to do new things with my students but I find myself relying on what I already know and what is easy for me.  I am fearful that I will not have the ability and the patience to teach my students these totally foreign skills.  I know that I need to push myself to try new things with my students and to take the time to learn new things.  Thankfully I am in the perfect setting for trying new technologies with my students.  If there is a kind of technology as a teacher that you want my building probably has it.  I am also very fortunate to have a “technology coach” in my building.  I am very excited to be in the place that I am to begin this adventure of incorporating technology in my lessons.  The questions that remains is- Will I the technology be reliable?